Candi Ngawen

high-definition creative commons photographs from Candi Ngawen, near Borobudur, Java, showing the architecture and the reliefs, together with further information on the Candi.


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Candi Ngawen

Candi Ngawen is situated about 5km from Candi Mendut in the direction of Yogyakarta, in the village of Ngawen, kecamatan Muntilan, Magelang. According to reports, this candi was built by the Sailendra Dynasty around the 8th century during the ancient Mataram goverment. The existence of Candi Ngawen was noted in 824 AC as recorded in the prasasti Karang Tengah. This candi consisted of 5 smaller candis,out of which two candis has different shapes of lion heads at the four corners. Another candi has a Buddha statue with a sitting position of Ratnasambawa without its head.

Text adapted from the Indonesian Wikipedia, and translated by Mr. Khoo Teng Seng (retrieved, October 16th 2009)


Photographs by Anandajoti Bhikkhu

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