Wat Ku Tao, Chiang Mai, Thailand

high-definition creative commons photographs from this temple in Chiang Mai, Thailand, showing the architecture, reliefs and decoration work, together with some further information.


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Wat Ku Tao seemed to contain a rather motley collection of buildings, ranging from a huge modern Viharn, which is what is photographed here, to a new and unfinished Shan-style Viharn, and a peculiar five-tiered rounded Chedi. Unfortunately, all the photos of the latter, which is worth recording, came out over-exposed.

Apart from that I haven't been able to find out much about the place. So the collection here consists mainly of mythological creatures, not all of which I have been able to identify, but which show something of the range of beasts that are seen in and around the Lanna temples.


Photographs by Anandajoti Bhikkhu

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